Tuesday, June 23, 2015

TET 732 Post

Currently I am taking a course through USD, TET 732 Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Training. Assignment 9 requires us to create a blog and describe within a post how this technology is used within the classroom.

How this blog is used within Room 5 at Badger Clark Elementary:

This blog is used to integrate technology into the classroom and put technology at the students’ fingertips. The blog can be used for multiple reasons. With this blog, students can use kid safe websites to research, create, and publish. Students can respond to questions in reading, math and science. Students can publish writing and share their writing with the outside world. Student centered learning through the blog is endless. The blog provides a link between the classroom and the real world.

The blog also keeps parents informed on student learning. Parents  can  be kept informed through updates posted through the blog. Daily posts include a brief description of the learning targets achieved and what the students' day looks like. Also reminders or asking parents for help are posted periodically to help keep parents involved in their student's classroom. 

Across the top bar of the blog are tools explaining a little about me, my philosophies, and a few other resources visitors might find useful. 

Student centered learning through the blog is endless. The blog provides a link between the classroom, parents, and the real world.


  1. This blog appears to be used quite frequently. I like the ideas you have on there about sharing ideas with parents and also how you have the separate tabs across the top. Great job on the blog.

  2. Wow! It appears that you are already blogging and using this tool effectively to promote student learning and parent interaction. This is a great example of how I can use blogging in my classroom.

  3. Thank you for sharing your work! It is amazing! It is very easy to navigate. It is easy to find the things you described. I really want to reach out to parents. I can see using the Blog as a place for resources for them as well. Thanks again for for sharing your class blog!

  4. Wow! This looks amazing. Nice work! It is appealing to look at and full of information. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Really good. It is cool to see a blog that is up and running. Gives me some ideas for my class. Thanks for sharing!
